Call For Translations: Journal of Cinema and Media Studies

By | June 22, 2021
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Call for Translations 2021

The Journal for Cinema and Media Studies publishes translations of outstanding scholarly and creative work on cinema. The originals may be in any language and come from any period or geographic region. We welcome two types of proposals: (1) a single text such as a journal article, book chapter, or self-contained section of a book that focuses on a particular topic in a unified, coherent way; and (2) a group of smaller texts that are linked thematically, geographically, or otherwise.

The total word count of the introduction and translated text(s) should be between 8,000 and 10,000 words in English. One grant-in-aid of $1,000 will be paid to the translator(s) for copyright clearance and as honoraria. Proposals to translate one’s own work will not be considered.

SCMS members are invited submit proposals, prepared in accordance with the Chicago Style Manual, with the following:

  1. Full bibliographical data of the original text(s).
  2. The name and credentials of the translator(s).
  3. A 500-word statement identifying the significance of the text(s) to be translated.
  4. Information on the copyright status of the original(s).
  5. A 500-word sample of the translation.

Proposals are due by July 1, 2021. The selection will be made by August 1, 2021, with manuscript delivery by December 1, 2021, and publication in 2023.

Submissions should be sent to:

Nathaniel Greenberg, Chair, SCMS Translation/Publication Committee Email: