10th AIETI International Congress 2021: Transtextual and cultural circumnavigations

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10th AIETI 2021 International Congress

17 – 19 June 2021 | University of Minho, Braga

The University of Minho, through its Institute of Letters and Human Sciences (ILCH) and the Center for Humanistic Studies (CEHUM), will organize the 10th International Congress of the Iberian Association of Translation and Interpretation Studies (AIETI), which will take place on the  17th , 18 and 19 June 2021 , at the UMinho Gualtar Campus (Braga).

This will be the first time that an event of this nature will take place in Portugal under the auspices of AIETI, being, therefore, a unique opportunity for the promotion of transdisciplinary dialogue and enrichment, as well as the sharing and crossing of experiences in the context of research in Translation and Interpretation Studies, not only in the Iberian Peninsula, but also in the Lusophone space.

The conference aims, as enshrined in article 3 of the AIETI Statutes, to promote reflection, study and research, teaching and scientific exchange within the various domains / areas of translation and interpretation, as well as their positioning, impact and social value and cultural.

Under the sign of travel, crossing and itinerancy, but also of hospitality, dialogue and welcome, the event aims to promote fruitful reflection and discussion around the multiple dynamics associated with the transmission and dissemination of language, culture and knowledge in the context of globalization through circulation of texts and ideas in translation.

Recovering the   Camonian dictum , the organization invites all people interested in taking part in this other journey through texts and languages, which intends to share and redo routes “through seas that were previously navigated”, fixing, mapping and rewriting new cartographies of a “wide illuminated world” . The languages ​​of the congress will be Spanish, English and Portuguese.

All interested persons from academia, research, profession as well as students are invited to submit proposals for communication and dynamization / organization of thematic panels centered on the following structuring axes proposed (although not exclusively restrictive) of the conference:

  • Translation History
  • Translation Theory
  • Didactics of Translation
  • Interpretation
  • Sociology of Translation
  • Process Studies
  • Linguistics Applied to Translation
  • Activism, immigration and conflict situations
  • Tools and technologies
  • Literary translation
  • Specialized translation
  • Audiovisual translation and varieties of multimodality in translation

The communications will have a maximum duration of 20 minutes (including the time dedicated to questions / issues and debate). Poster presentation sessions, round tables and thematic panels are also planned. All communication proposals will be subject to peer review.

Papers presented at the congress can be submitted to a thematic volume of the journal Diacrítica, published in electronic format, necessarily following the journal’s peer review process.

In addition, all communications presented at the congress will be published in an e-book, available on the CEHUM and AIETI website.

The AIETI Prize for the best thesis of the biennium will take place during the event  .

For more information, contact aieti10@ilch.uminho.pt

Keynote Speakers

Amparo Hurtado Albir – Spain (Autonomous University of Barcelona)
Alexandra Assis Rosa – Portugal (Faculty of Arts, University of Lisbon)
Andreia Guerini – Brazil (Federal University of Santa Catarina)
Michael Cronin – Ireland (Trinity College Dublin)

Contact Information


Submission of abstracts of communications: November 30, 2020.

Acceptance response: Early January 2021.

Registration – Early Bird: until March 15, 2021.

Second phase until May 1.

Registration – Second phase: until May 31, 2021.

Registration Fees

Early Bird

Students (bachelor, master, doctorate): 70 euros.

AIETI members: 150 euros.

Non-members: 180 euros.

Second phase: After Early Bird

Students (Bachelor’s, Master’s, PhD): 85 euros.

AIETI members: 180 euros.

Non-members: 210 euros.

Registration includes participation in the congress, documentation, coffee breaks and 2 lunches.

The event will take place at the University of Minho, Campus de Gualtar, in the Pedagogical Complex II, Amphitheater B1 and adjacent rooms.

For more information, Please visit the official website here