Call for Papers: Translators’ [In]visibilities

By | December 17, 2021
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25-26 February 2022, University of Calgary

This call for papers is for a two-day workshop on the theme Translators’ [In]visibilities focussing on the idea of ‘invisibility’ from multiple perspectives. Informed by scholarship in translation studies, in particular the work of Lawrence Venuti, especially The Translator’s Invisibility (3rd edition; Routledge 2018), we want to explore the ideas of visibility and invisibility across a range of approaches to studying, practicing and teaching translation.

We welcome contributions which will address the theme in any way, including but not limited to:  

‌development of translation practice across time and space

‌historical practices of translation

‌the contemporary practice of translation

‌collaborative translation practices

‌the role of translation in teaching. 

Keynote addresses will be delivered by Professor Lawrence Venuti (Temple University) and Professor Chana Kronfeld (University of California, Berkeley). 

Papers will be expected to be 15-20 minutes in length. Presenters will be invited to submit pieces based on their presentations for consideration afterwards for a publication emerging from this workshop.

Please send an abstract of no more than 250 words and a brief biography of no more than 75 words to by December 31, 2021.

The workshop will be held online due to COVID-19 considerations and so will be free and open for all to attend. However, should the local and international situation permit, the possibility of a hybrid event allowing both online and in-person participation will be considered.

This workshop is organized by the Translation Studies Working Group of the Calgary Institute for the Humanities at the University of Calgary, with the support of the Institute as well as of the Language Research Centre, the Classics & Religion Department and the Faculty of Arts at the University of Calgary.