11th EST Congress: The Changing Faces of Translation and Interpreting Studies

By | November 5, 2023
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  • Date: Monday 30 June 2025, 09:00 – 17:00
  • Location: University House
  • Interval: Every day
  • Until: Friday, 4 July 2025
  • Cost: TBC

About the congress

The ever-changing landscape of the translation and interpreting industry and academic research has led in the past ten years to translation taking place in different places, platforms and modalities. It has also led to a shift in the profile of the modern translator and interpreter, who are now expected to work in different domains, with different tools, and according to different workflows. Academic research in translation and interpreting studies has also taken on different faces with a multiplication of different areas, tools, and methodologies. This has strengthened our understanding of translation and interpreting phenomena in all their complexity, but this has also caused a proliferation of discourses about translation and interpreting that do not always coincide or align with those of the industry.

Call for Panels is now open for submissions. Full details and the submission link can be found in the documents below. The deadline for the Call for Panels is 2 February 2024.

Call for Panels

Over the course of the last decade, the ever-changing landscape of the translation and interpreting industry and academic research has led to practices taking place in different places, platforms and modalities. It has also led to a shift in the profile of the modern translator and interpreter, who are now expected to work in different domains with different tools and according to different workflows. Academic research in translation and interpreting studies has also taken on different faces with the multiplication of different areas, tools, and methodologies. This has strengthened our understanding of translation and interpreting phenomena in all their complexity but has caused a proliferation of discourses about translation and interpreting that do not always coincide or align with industry realities.

In this EST Congress, we aim to take stock of these different faces and discourses by sharing varying needs and expectations, contrasting conceptual understandings of what translation and interpreting reflect on potential roles and opportunities for industry-academia collaboration.

EST Congress

As in previous EST Congresses, the 11th EST Congress will be organised primarily around
thematic panels. We welcome proposals for panels related to the general conference theme “The Changing Faces of Translation and Interpreting Studies”, and we are keen to receive submissions adopting a wide range of (inter)disciplinary, methodological, conceptual, professional, historical or geographical perspectives on this theme. Contributions can focus on any facet of translation and interpreting studies broadly defined, including, but not limited to, technical and literary translation, machine translation, post-editing, conference, business and public service interpreting, web, software and game localisation, subtitling, dubbing, voiceover, respeaking, editing, rewriting, and project management.

We ask for your panel proposals to include:

  • the name(s) and affiliation(s) of the convenors (maximum of 3)
  • the title of the panel
  • a roughly 300-word description of the panel topic, with suggestions of possible subtopics and relevant perspectives and approaches
  • a bibliography with a maximum of 5 publications, if appropriate

Please send panel proposals by 2 February 2024 using the online form: https://forms.office.com/e/yFpM7MfPUk

Panel applicants will be notified of the outcome by the end of March 2024. The themes of the chosen panels will be published on the Congress website and the Call for Papers launched in April 2024.

If you have any questions about this Call for Panels, please get in touch with us at