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Cfp: Special Issue – Research, pedagogy and practice of translation and interpretation

Call for Papers

JRHE, the Journal of Research in Higher Education published by Babeș-Bolyai University, the QUALITAS Centre, invites submissions for the forthcoming special issue on the research, pedagogy and practice of translation and interpretation, due out in September 2022. JRHE is a peer-reviewed, open access journal, that seeks to address and factor in the major challenges educators, researchers, trainers and trainers of trainers in the field  are faced with in these accelerated global times.

As well as the changing professional communication patterns and policies manifesting themselves at this juncture in pandemic times, the volume sets out to engage the transformative forces impacting these academic subjects and the global language industry in the age of digital literacies and remote teaching. Fostering transdisciplinarity and multilingualism at the highest professional level in the language industry par excellence, the Department of Applied Modern Languages at BBU – a pioneering department in the country, marking its 30th anniversary in Higher Education in Romania–  commissions state-of-the art contributions that cover the terrain of translation and interpretation studies.

Submission topics may include, but are not limited to:

Abstracts for paper presentations will be accepted until 30th June ‘22. Contributions will be in English, in the region of 4,500 words or above, directed to, home editor. Special guest editor (to be confirmed).

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